
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Some pictures of our fun week

Wanted to share some pictures from this week from my new camera that my totally amazing husband bought me for my birthday.
Here is my birthday cake my sister bought me and surprised me with at my grandma's. Here is a picture of my brother, Livie, and me. Casey and I are very close and I can say that he is truly one of my best friends. Plus he happens to be one of John's best friends, so we enjoy having him come visit. John and I met through Casey.

Here is a picture of my sister Ashley, Livie, and me. Ashley and I are about as different as you can get, but we get along great and I love the big jerk. lol. Just kidding. But really people are surprised to find out we are sisters, because we are so different. But she is an amazing sister, especially since she bought me a super yummy birthday cake. This is John's Aunt Jackie and Kennedy. Jackie married John's uncle Jack(isn't that cute, Jack and Jackie) after meeting on E Harmony. They met, fell in love, and got married a few years ago when they were both in their 70's. Jackie lives in Kentucky, and so they would live part of the time here and part of the time there. Jack was so happy after meeting Jackie. Seriously was the only time I saw him truly happy since becoming part of the family. Jack passed away about 2 years ago, but Jackie has continued to come back to visit every summer. We love this woman!

Jackie made us pose for a picture of my "sweet family." I love this man standing beside me and praise God for bringing us together and blessing us with 4 beautiful children!

John surprised Livie and I with a strawberry cheesecake blizzard cake from DQ for our birthdays. We are still going to have Livie a birthday party but this was for both of us.

Alex and Uri, the crazy cousins. Uri is actually 4 months older than Alex and at one time was bigger than Alex if you can believe that.

JJ, Phinehas, Uri, Alex, Elijah, and baby Cana. All the boy cousins enjoying the day at Island Oasis

Mikaiah, Kennedy, Makayla(John's uncle's granddaughter) and Gracie, all the girl cousins except Livie

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