
Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Schimek's take over the local bookstore!

I really wanted to go check out the local used book store A-Z books. I drove by last night when I had no kids and of course it was closed. So I thought I would go today with the kids, since Mom had one of the kids(hey when you have 4, having one gone for a bit makes even the craziness of the 3 remaining kids seem quieter). I almost decided to just skip it, but since I know it is a rare thing to get out of the house with no kids, I decided just to bite the bullet and just go.

So picture it, young mom taking a baby in a long stroller and 2 active boys into a store full of bookcases and books. I could already see me chasing around the runaway children while pushing the baby in the stroller and books flying all over. The young, geeky man, who looked like the only human interaction he ever recieves is at Sci-Fi conventions that he goes to dressed as his favorite alien hero, even looked at us with dread as I asked him if he knew of a children's series I was looking for. He walked with regret as he showed us to the kid's section and told us he doesn't know about that series so I would have to look around. He then said in a sarcastic voice as he walked away, "this is going to be great."

Well I will have you know that my little ones were VERY good!! I know, even I was amazed. JJ sat down at a little table and looked through a dinosaur book. Alex walked up to the young man and asked where the snake books were and then looked through the selection of animal books until he found one and then sit down very quietly and looked around. Livie even seemed entertained by the books.

And best of all I found a series from a children's christian author that looks funny. I am going to read the first and then offer to come read it to the kids at the school if it is good. Hopefully we can get the kids really interested in books!!

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