
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Last day in children's church

Today was my last Sunday of doing children's church. I will once again be able to join the adults upstairs for worship, Praise God!! Now don't get me wrong I really have enjoyed working with the kids down stairs, but I can't wait to sit and soak in the presence of the Lord during worship with Joe and the rest of the worship team.

Anyway so we read about Noah's ark and God's promise never to again flood the earth. We took torn up pieces of colored paper and made a rainbow out of them. As we were doing this it struck me that when we are lost and broken, to the world there seems to be nothing that can be done. We are no longer whole and nothing in the world can put the pieces back together. But with the grace and mercy of God, if we allow him too, he takes those pieces of our life and puts them back together. And the work of art that he creates is not what we were before. He makes a new creation and there are no seams to be seen where the torn pieces were piecesd together. We are whole, new, and no sign of brokeness is to be seen. Praise the Lord for how this simple craft for the kids, could speak to me in such a strong and real way!!

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