
Thursday, July 14, 2011

God's word for me!!

I have to admit that often when listening to a sermon or a word from God it is so easy to say, "Well that is for so and so" or "man that is just what they need to do," but I am coming to realize that even with a sermon that seems to have nothing to do with me, God still has something to say to me.

I heard a quote the other day and I loved it, "sometimes you have to spit out the bones and eat the meat." What this means is that no matter what the intent behind a sermon is, God has something for us to hear in it. Maybe the person giving the message had God speak to them through the word in a different way then God speaks to you or the person next to you, but never the less, if you stop to listen to God, he will speak to you.

I love, Love, LOVE that God speaks to us and if we just quiet our souls we can hear him speak to us in different ways then we ever imagined! How many times in the day are we just quiet? I pray that I can start to spend more time with the Lord, being still and opening my ears to recieve His word for me!

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