
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Your actions are your own

The other day while unpacking Alex's bag from camp I realized he had left his nice new-to-us tan dress pants, his NEW towel, AND his NEW camp shirt at camp. I asked him about it and he said he forgot them. I told him that he needed to start remember all his items because we don't have the money to always replace the things he forgets and his comment was "Mom, I am a forgetful kid. You know that. I forget all the time." So I told him that yes, he might be forgetful, but it was something that he needed to work on. That his being forgetful didn't make it alright that he left 3 items at camp.

So fast forward to 2 conversations I had in the past 2 days, one was with a women about how her child learning that she couldn't use her learning disablity as an excuse to not try and also about a man who is accused of killing his wife, who is trying to use drinking as an excuse that he was not

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