
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dance the night away!

Yesterday John and I went to a wedding for a man from church that John has known practically his whole life. He is an awesome man, who had been praying for a wife for a long time and was giving up hope that he would ever get married. Then he went to a friend's wedding and came back home with such joy, he met this amazing woman. It was so wonderful to see this godly man, marrying the woman that he prayed for all those years. It was a beautiful wedding.

We were lucky to find a babysitter to watch all 4 of the kids so we could go to the wedding and stay for a good portion of the reception. It was a really nice recption with a dinner and dancing. The bride was from Brazil so there was some fast music for the dancing. John and I even got up and danced some, which was a blast. One advantage of getting older is not being so insecure and being able to just let go and have fun. I don't have anyone to impress. I have a wonderful man who loves me even if I dance like an uncordinated bamboon. But the I did end up with a hurt hip over it all.

I was looking forward to slow dancing with John all day. And they had lots of slow songs playing during dinner and then for all the traditional wedding dances. But once they let the guest dance it was all fast music. So we were getting ready to leave and they FINALLY had a slow song we could dance too. So there we were, John holding me in his arms. It was so right, so natural. This man who I have been with almost 14 years, married to for 9. I have been in his arms so many times on the dance floor and everytime it gives me butterflies. Looking into his eyes, laughing at inside jokes and just enjoying being with him. I am so proud to be his wife!!

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