
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

His will, not ours!

"How little chance the Holy Ghost has nowadays. The churches and missionary societies have so bound him in red tape that they practically ask Him to sit in the corner while they do the work themselves." ~C.T. Studd

I read this quote a couple of years ago and it still sticks in my head. Then a couple of weeks ago I was listening to a program on the radio, I believe it was Focus on the Family, but I am not sure. Anyway the guy speaking said the often people will make decisions or plans for something and it might even be viewed as a good decision, but if God was not included in the planning, then it is an ungodly decision because He had no part in it. Now that is not to say that if after starting something you stop and pray asking God for forgiveness for not following his lead and ask for blessings over that decision that he will not bless it.

But we have gotten into a routine of making decisions and plans without even praying and asking for God's guidence and then as an after thought, or possibly when things are going wrong we stop and pray to God about it. We need to start rising up and being the church, the body of Christ, that we are called to be. To go to the Lord in prayer BEFORE we decided something, and here is the point to remember, actually LISTEN to what he says. To not let our own fleshly desires get ahead of God's desires.

To all the church leaders, me included, even if we have a great idea that we feel will further our church or whatever ministry we are serving in, if we have not prayed and listen to God in that, then it is not a godly decision. We often feel if we are working and doing something for the kingdom of God then it is right no matter what. No, God has called us all to a ministry, to do something for the Body of Christ that we can only do. Just like God does not put a hand where a foot belongs, he does not desire for someone called to children's ministry to be the church office person, or the person meant to reachout to the sick to be the worship leader. He created us all for a purpose, for a ministry, and it is about time the church start listening to his calling instead of trying to figure it all out ourselves.

Before John and I were even married we were prophecied over and the man said that God was calling us for youth and young people. Well I wasn't really wanting to listen at that time. We then had 2 more people prophecy over us, reaffirming the first one. In total 3 prophecies of us being made for youth ministry. John and I have been serving within the church for over 6 years. We have worked with the youth for most of that time, either as the leaders and sometimes as just the helpers, as well as in other ministries within the church body. I know can say that youth is where God has for us to be. Right now our group is kinda small, but that does not mean it is not where God has called us. He has given us a love for the young people of this town. He has given us a desire to help them grow in their faith and in their relationship with Christ.

I pray that the whole body of Christ(us included) would listen to the Lord. That we would take joy in his presence and let His desires become ours! We need to be listening for His will, not let our fleshly desires dictact our path.

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