
Friday, July 22, 2011


I am not usually a person who gets jealous of other people, but from time to time I do. Today I had a moment of jealousy as I was driving and saw a lady who I know(a absolutely lovely lady who I happen to really like) walking by with her children who were being well behaved, she looked all cute and then, walking away from her new vehicle, and it got me thinking about how SHE is probably able to take care of all her kids, keep her house beautiful, have a happy marriage, and juggle all the hecticness in her life a lot better than I do, all while staying thin, always looking so well put together, and enjoying the perks of her husbands nice paying job.

Then the Lord slapped me up side the head(thank you Lord!!). He stopped me and reminded me that by being jealous of her blessings from God, I was overlooking mine. I was making her blessings to be greater than the blessings that God gives me everyday. Yes, she has a good life and God loves to shower her in blessings everyday, but I have an amazing life, with an awesome husband, and 5 beautiful children. God showers ME with blessings everyday, some that I dont even realize he has given me at the time. He loves me for ME! He doesnt desire me to be this other woman, she was made with a purpose and so was I.

I love when the Lord gets me past one of my "oh, poor Mandi" thoughts! And come to think of it, there might be some who believe I have a charmed life and envy my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mandi, thanks for visting my blog, I like yours! Oh how often does that jealousy monster catch me too, quite often at church as all the other moms walk to their cars with their perfect little kids and perfect looking cars... oh wait. Of course they've got issues , they're not perfect people! Its so easy to think someone else has it better. I thank Him for all the blessings we have, praise God!
