
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Stupid Human Nature!!

I have been checking out other blogs and creating a list of blogs I follow. It is interesting to see all the different types of blogs out their and get a glimpse into someone else's life. To see ideas for crafts(like I have time anyway), activities they do with their kids, things God is doing in their lives, etc. And after reading I often think, man I wish I was creative like that, or did that with my kids, was able to juggle things as well as they do, had a blog like theirs, had followers like they do(2 so far, hey it is better than nothing), etc.

I guess you could say that the jealousy bug is popping up again. Why is it in our human nature and to see someone else and have the thought go through our heads that if someone else is doing something funner, craftier, or exciting then us, then that means we are less then they are. Guess it is human nature, but still I would like to get where that isn't a common response. I am really pretty comfortable with myself and who God made me to be, but sometimes I do feel inadequate compared to others. Guess that is another thing that I need to give to the Lord and pray that he shows me the areas I need to grow in and allow him to mold my heart.

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