
Monday, July 25, 2011

The Wasps are Taking Over!!

We have been having a problem with wasp nests in our backyard this summer. We found a small one at the beginning of the summer in the kids' playhouse and John went out and took care of it. Then Alex came in and told me that a wasp stung him a couple of weeks ago and there was a bunch by where he was playing. I went out to see where he was talking about and there was a wasp nest in one end of the clothes line post he was playing by. I decided to check the other side and found another nest. Then went to the other post and found a large wasp nest in both of the post. Four nest in all, two smaller ones and two larger ones. So I took the left over wasp spray and took care of those.

Then today when I went to take out trash and saw a bunch of wasps by our shed. I opened the door and found 3 nest in the doorway. It doesn't bother me much seeing a wasp here or there, but finding a wasp nest is a little unsettling, let alone finding 8 in one summer.

As I was walking back up to the house, God showed me a similarity between these nest over taking my backyard and sin over taking our lives. We often feel that we are doing fine, that sin has no place in our live. And then we notice an occasional problem we are having with lying, drinking, lustful thoughts, etc and think that it is just an occasional thing so it isn't a BIG problem like finding an occasional wasp isn't to bad. But if we take the time to really search into our hearts we would find that sin we think is occasional and no big deal, is really stemming from a big problem and is slowly overtaking our lives, much like a wasp nest. And if we don't take care of it, it grows bigger and bigger and pretty soon that sin is just a normal part of our life.

Much like the picture that the song "Slow Fade" paints. People don't crumble in a day, it is slow, letting sin take over little by little. A marriage doesn't fail in a day, it is the little grumbles and lies over time that create the big problems such as an affair and such.

So the lesson I learned was that if I see a "wasp" in my life, not to just discount it right away, look and make sure there isn't a nest hiding in my heart.

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