
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Not your typical Easter

Well today instead of dressing all the kids up in their new Easter outfits and heading to church to worship our Lord and Savior and teach Sunday school class, our family stayed home from church. I have been fighting a bad sinus infection for close to 2 weeks and finally went to the doctor today to get some meds. So with a diagnosis in hand John felt that I needed to stay home and lounge around. As much as I hate to admit it, he was right. I have felt horrible all day.

And since my amazing brother is in town, he decided to take Alex, JJ, and Kennedy to my grandma's for the afternoon so the house was alot quieter so I could get some rest. This is what my day has consisted off. Admittedly not exactly how I wanted to spend Easter, but definitely was needed!

Snuggled up on the couch under a blanket with lots of tissues within reach.

Playing on the computer. Crocheting a blanket with some pretty colored yarn.
Playing and cuddling with Miss Livie.

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