
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Crafty by Nature!

I am by nature a very crafty person. Not crafty like, man that girl is shady, but in the way that I LOVE to do craft projects! Scrapbooking, crocheting, emboirdery, quilting, etc. Ever since I was a little girl I have loved to do crafts. I remember being about 7 and my great grandma teaching me how to make chains with yarn which is something you have to learn to start crocheting. Having a project to work on has always been kinda a stress relief, someway to get all my creativity put to use. I have even been paid to make quilts and sold stuff at crafts shows. I say all this to say that lately I haven't worked on anything in months. The last thing I worked on was my nephew's quilt front and it still needs quilted and given to him. I need to start doing projects again! I am so far behind in my scrapbooking, I have missed making quilts for lots of babies that have been born, and there is no way I am getting the quilt done for Emma for graduation I know she was hoping for. Part of the reason I haven't worked on stuff is lack of time. Even though I am a stay at home mom, with 4 kids, all the responsibility of being on the school board, youth group and Sunday school, and just life in general, I just don't have the time to do a long project. The other thing is the mess that quilting brings to my house. Having quilting stuff over my dining room table just makes my house seem messier than it already is. Lets face it with 4 kids, 2 dogs, and all the chores they require, I don't need to find more ways to add to the mess. lol But I still think I am going to start a crochet project today. Something to do to use my creative side and de-stress! This means looking through my stuff and seeing what I have to use. Hopefully I can find a crochet needle and not have to run to the store! Here are just 2 projects out of the hundreds I have done. This scrapbook page is of October 2003 and the quilt is the one I made Livie.

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