
Thursday, April 28, 2011

The joys of adulthood!

The other day I was looking through a magazine and there was a couple pages with actress ranging from 20-60, one for every year. So as I am looking through them I see women in their 20's and I think that they are so young. Then I realize that they are my age. And it made me think about how really in the grand scheme of things I am really pretty young.

If you think about it we really don't get much time being kids and trying to figure out just who God created us to before we are piled with responsibility. Now some of the responsibility are things that just come to us because it is just the way life goes. Once you are done with high school, it is expected you go to college, get a job, get married, etc., but regardless of your desicion you are now an adult and are expected to pay for yourself in most cases. For some they get help until after college from parents or school loans, but eventually the reality of paying for ourselves is placed upon us all whether we are ready for it or not.

Now then their are aspects of adulthood that people choose to accept or not. Marriage, children, which job we choose, being on committees, etc. are choices that we make.

I say this to say that sometimes I feel so much older than I really am. Because of the amount of responsibility that we have chosen to accept sometimes I forget that I am only 26. That I still have a long and hopefully healthy life to still explore and grow into the woman God created me to be. This makes me glad to know that through all the trials, joy, and lessons that I learn throughout the years are not for nothing. Every things I go through can be used to bring glory to God's name is I chose to let Him use it to mold me.

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