
Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 9 of Giving Thanks

Today I would like to thank God for the gift Platte Valley Christian Academy has been to our family. When we started Alex in the preschool 5 years ago, our plan was only to put our kids through the preschool and then transfer to public school. As that time drew near, we did alot of praying and seeking God's guidance and knew we were meant to stay with PVCA.

We love the school, we love the teachers, families, and students. We are so greatful for all the volunteers and for the fellow board members who work hard to make sure policy is upheld and the school runs smoothly.

I am so thankful that EVERY school day, our children learn more about our Lord and Savior. That they have teachers who love them and really come to know who each child is. I am thankful that God has blessed us with the finances to send our kids to the school and that He has placed this burden on our hearts for a Christian education. We are so thankful for PVCA!!!

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