
Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 1 of Giving Thanks

Yes, I realize today is November 2nd, not the first, but yesterday I felt like poo and didn't get on here. So today I will cover 2 days. Honestly there might be times I have to make up days as I don't always get home to blog.

I think that taking 30 days to give thanks for what we have blessed with in life is a good thing to focus on. Honestly there are days I am more focused on what is going wrong in my day, then the blessings that surround me.

So here is my first thing I am thankful for. I am extremely thankful for my Heavenly Father. That He sees me, the true me, that He created me to be and is constantly molding me into that person. That God can take every situation in my life, the good and the bad and if I allow Him to, He uses it for good.

That He loves me so much, not because of who I am, but in spite of who I am, and desperately wants to have a deep intimate relationship with me. That because of that love, He sent His son to the cross to cover MY sins. That He sacrificed His perfect son for ME!

Greatful that God never leaves me. That He is with me every second of every day and whispers words of love into my ears, even when I can't hear Him.

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