
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 16 of Giving Thanks

For day 16 I have to say thank you to God for giving my husband a good job with good benefits. With this good job, comes good pay. Which makes it possible on days when I am craving sweet potatoe fried from Burger King for my darling husband to go get me some!

It also makes it possible to put our children into Platte Valley Christian Academy. Praise God for that!!

We have been amazing blessed with John's job. He started off basically being a glorified janitor, cleaning locomative toilets and is now a foreman, a pretty good foreman if I do say so myself. It just so happens with every child John has been promoted around the birth or shortly after of each child. I keep joking with him that we are having another one, it is time to get promoted. lol.

With his job also come really good insurance, which is a huge blessing. It keeps the cost of all our medical bills down. Another huge praise!

So I want to give God a huge THANK YOU for blessing us with John's 11 years on the UP Railroad!!

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