
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 17 of Giving Thanks

As I sit here on day 17 of giving thanks, enjoying the quiet of my house, I have to thank God for bedtime!! One thing John and I have been in agreement about was having a earlier bedtime. It started because John used to work midnights so our time together was the evenings. So we would put the kids to bed at around 8 on any nights we didn't have church or other events that kept them up later. That gave us our alone time, which we enjoy.

So even though John works evenings now and is only off 2 nights a week, I still put the kids down around 8. On some nights it is earlier(like tonight because they all are tired and whiny and complaining of their arms and legs hurting, meaning a growth spurt) and Alex sometimes gets to stay up until 9 since he is getting older.

But then that gives me MY time which I desperately need, especially on days when they are super crazy, like today.

So thank you Lord for blessing me with bedtime and the blessing of a quiet house. Now only if our neighbor's dog would stop barking!!

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