
Saturday, July 21, 2012

What is happening to marriages and families? In the past month I have found out that a couple that I went to all through school with and who got married the day before John and I are currently seperated and are getting a divorce. I talked to a facebook friend who is more of an aquantance than a close friend who told me her husband asked her for a divorce(praise God, he did come back and is wanting to work it out for the time being). And then another former classmate decided not to marry her fiance because of what seems to be very good reasons.

Now in each case I don't know all the details, if I know any details about the reasons of the changes in the relationships. But still my heart is grieving. Not only for the couple and their children in the situation, but because of what is happening to families. I would like to say these 3 couples' decisions and problems are flukes and not the norm, but unfortunately that is not the case. Too often marriages, if the relationship makes it to marriage ends in divorce.

Now there of course are understandable, if not good reasons for divorce. Relationships with abuse(whether physical, sexual, or emotional), affairs, drugs, etc are good reasons to re-evalate the situation. But often I wonder how people come the decision to end their marriage.

All three of these relationships were happy 6 months ago from what I saw and heard them saying. But alot of things happen behind doors that people don't make public, and that is the stuff that makes or breaks a relationship.

Sometimes I think people let the little wears and tears of marriage, the occasional nasty attitudes, hurts, irritations, small fights, etc and just kinda let them go unresolved. And then after a while, those little things, cause a wall that slowly builds and builds until you come to a point where you no longer have small things you have huge issues and you no longer like each other and then it is just a matter of time before you decide that you want out.

I do not mean this post to come across as a bash on people who get divorced, totally not my intent. So if that is what you are getting from this I am sorry. I am just really sadden by how many couples are chosing divorce and the effects that has on all involved.

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