
Friday, July 6, 2012

Our last one

In the past, everytime I heard a women say this was her last baby or she was not having anymore, I always thought "I could never imagine getting to the point when I didn't want another baby." I then had one of John's cousins tell me that when you know it is your last, you just know it. And then a woman from church told me she was the same way, until she held her last daughter and just knew she was done. But I still had doubts.

But I have to admit, they were right. This is my last baby! Unless we have some miracle baby, this little one growing inside my womb will be my last bio baby. We might adopt sometime, not thinking about it but there is always the possibility that is something God will lay on our hearts. But this baby will be the last one that John and I create.

I knew this from the moment I found out I was pregnant. It was just this feeling like our family is complete with this one. I always thought that I would be sad if I ever knew a baby was my last. You know, if for some medical reason I couldn't have another or John refused to have anymore. Like every milestone, I would sadly say "this is the last time I will hold my newborn, this is the last time I will nurse a baby, this is our last first birthday" etc. But instead I feel peace and happiness.

I feel like I am ready to have this baby in January and start a new phase in our life: a non pregnancy phase, then a no diaper phase(I know it will be years down the road, but hey I look forward to that time), all our kids in school phase, etc.

Even though I know we are still young, I just feel like we are moving to a new place in our life and marriage. I love that! I can't wait to meet this new little one in January and have all 5(plus our angel in heaven) of our precious gifts to watch grow. This is one of those times I am so overcome with praise for God blessing us so abundantly!! My life is simply......BLESSED!!!

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