
Sunday, July 15, 2012

On Friday I had the huge blessing of being able to go with my friend to support her while she labored. This was her second baby and I was given the huge honor of being present for both births. It was an even bigger honor since both times only her husband and I were the ones present other than medical people.

Both times she was wise in taking someone other than her husband, because, bless his heart, he is not very functional while his wife is in pain. Luckily this time I had more of a heads up on this, so I was prepared more to help support her. Totally different experience this time than last time, because last time she went into labor in the middle of the night and we rushed down the interstate to a town 35 miles away while her and I were in the back seat and she was basically on top of me in horrific pain the whole ride. This time she was induced.

It was an extremely fast labor and delivery once the meds they gave her to be induced kicked in. Now I don't know if I agree with her doctor on the way he chose to induce her(according to what I read and now experienced with this type of induction, active labor is way faster and more intense than suggested and can cause ruptured uterus's, although praise God, this did not happen.) We went in to start the induction and at 8:30 they gave her the meds. She had very light, not even uncomfortable contractions until the meds kicked in at 1, right after they broke her water. She then went into active labor immediately and was in horrific pain. Contractions seemed on top of each other pretty much and 1 hour later she was complete. She then had to wait for the doctor to get ready(all while in horrendous pain and a little out of control because she was begging for pain meds and they said it was too late) then after 13 minutes of pushing she had her precious baby boy.

Now some people might think watching a baby be born is disgusting or an hard to look at the person after seeing that, but honestly I have found that during this time, it was not embarrassing to me or my friend to see this event. It was so cool to see her babies enter the world and was a blessing to be part of it.

And to be there while she was in horrible pain and be able to help her focus and encourage her through it all was such a joy. I totally know what she felt and knew that she could do it even when she wanted to give up. I think I would like to be a coach for women during labor and help them with the birth of their child.

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