
Saturday, October 29, 2011

My wrist have been bothering me since forever. I have always had bad wrist. I did something to them with I was young that caused them to be weaker and painful at times. So every time I would have pain, weakness, numbness, tingling in the past year and a half, I just figured it was from that. Well my left wrist has been in horrible pain for over a week now. I figured I had over extended it even though I didn't remember doing anything to it. Well yesterday when my right started hurting and I KNEW I didn't do anything to that one, I started looking on the Internet for possible reasons.

Carpal tunnel kept coming up as the possible reason and when looking at the symptoms and all my past problems it dawned on me that that could be the issue. So I went to the doctor because I know it is a degenerative problems and I don't want to end up with no feeling in my hands if that is the issue.

Well it is official I have carpal tunnel. I go at the end of November to get a test to see how bad it is(if they can't move my appointment up) and am looking at the possibility of surgery on both wrist. Needless to say I am glad to know the reason for all these issues, but I do not want to have surgery. With 5 kids to care for, I don't know how that will fit into my life. But I guess we will see what the doctor ends up saying next month.

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