
Monday, October 17, 2011

My aunt was arrested today. I am ashamed to say I am glad. She will finally have to answer for endangering Ryan. She is charged with cruelty to a child/child abuse for Ryan's hair testing positive for meth. I am praying that this will force the courts to think long and hard about if it is in the best interest of Ryan to return to her ever.

I have to admit that I am starting to love that young man as a mother loves her child. How could I not? I wake him up every morning, take him to school, give him the support and care that a mother gives her children, tuck him in at night, rub his back to let him know he is cared for, it was bound to make him very dear to my heart. I can't imagine him not being part of our family now. We all love him and pray that he knows that he is loved and wanted.

I now realize I was very naive in my view of the world before. My view didn't involve real knowledge of how meth can change a mother's priorities from her children to just getting more meth and sex. I have always wondered how a mother could choose drugs over their child and kinda just ignored that part of the world. But having to see the effects everyday. Going to court and see parents choosing drugs over their child time and time again has opened my eyes. It is just too sad. I pray that this hold drugs have on people would be broken!!

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