
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Been a month of learning

This past month has been a big one for Livie. She has learned many new things this month. She no longer wants to eat baby food. She either wants to feed herself or just nurse. She also wants new things to try. And is getting where she spits out food if it isn't what she wants to eat.

She also has learned to pull herself up on furniture. This comes in handy for her when the kids put food on the coffee table to keep her from getting it.

Livie has also learned to FINALLY crawl. I actually thought she would just skip this since she is almost 11 months. Figured she would jump ahead to walking, but now she is crawling all over.

And she has gotten the baby doll bug. She will cry if Kennedy walks into the room with a doll and doesn't give it to her. Not only does she want the baby, she will hold it up to her shoulder, snuggle her face close to the baby's face, and rock it. It is quite cute.

So there are just a few things Miss Livie has learned this month. She is growing so fast and I can't believe my baby is almost a year old!

1 comment:

  1. Oh your little Livie is a doll! Sooo cute :) I just read that you all are active in youth ministry and I have to thank you for that!! We need more young couples like you with a heart for teens. My husband and I are youth pastors and also parents of four little ones close in age to yours. It's an adventure isn't it!
