
Sunday, May 8, 2011

I had a very nice, laid back mother's day today. It started with taking all the kids to church today by myself. I wanted to be able to do something before John went to work and since he is working overtime tonight, he goes in at 8 instead of midnight. So I asked him to go to sleep right after getting home instead of going to church, so we had sometime together before he headed to work early.

Today the other Sunday school teacher was out of town, so I took her kids too. They did find me another lady to help me, PRAISE GOD!!, but we decided to do a combined class. So there was a big age difference in kids and if I thought the 4 and 5 year olds were crazy I was sadly mistaken. All those kids in one room and the many different ages made for a very chaotic morning. I also think the kids were trying to get all their crazy out in Sunday school so they could be good for their moms on Mother's day. But we made it through the morning without totally losing our sanity and the kids made some cute flowers for their moms.

Then my inlaws treated me to tacos at their house and I headed to my grandmas. The kids and I sit outside with my mom and grandma and enjoyed the beautiful day. I even was able to play around with my mom's awesome camera. I went and got Alex's kindergarten graduation cap and gown and took some pics of my little man.

Then the kids and I went and picked up John and we headed to the park for the Spring Fling craft show. I never get alot at these shows, just get ideas for projects. We did leave with 2 flower clips for Kennedy, a foam sword for Alex, JJ, and Kennedy, and a smelly thing for my car. The smelly thing selection was not my first choice. We were looking at the selection of the lady's scents and she had funny names on some like butt naked, monkey farts, and fun in the sun. So we asked what they smelled like and she said we could open them and smell them. They had a sticky side on one end, so John and I were opening them and smelling different ones. JJ decided he wanted to smell one and rip open the package on the NON sticky side. So I now have a cucumber melon MERMAID hanging on my rearview mirror.

I also found a cool project for the girls' rooms. If they turn out cute I think I might make one for Bianca and Trinity for Christmas.

But now the kids are all in bed(no naps and playing outside makes for an early bedtime), except Livie. John just walked out the door, and I have a nice quiet house and the tv to myself! It is AWESOME!!! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ME!!!!

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