
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

God's creations are so awesome!!

Well this morning I was woke up at 6 a.m. with a phone call that 2 of our teachers a PVCA were sick. The only one that wasn't sick was our preschool teacher. I felt kinda bad because I am thinking it might have been our family that spread it to the school, but not much I can do about that now

So this call started the frenzy of phone calls to find subs. Luckily we were able to get the day all worked out. I did have the priveledge of going to the school this morning for a while and watch videos with the older kids. We watched some videos from a creationist talking about how different animals that have different characteristics and traits that are amazing and that prove that there had to be a creator to create their bodies to do these things, or give them the knowledge of what to do without being taught.

For example a giraffe's blood vessels running in its neck were specially made different from normal vessels, when a giraffe bends down to take a drink of water his sudden blood pressure change would blow his brains out. But because God foreseen this, he created their vessels to completely close when they bends down and he also gave them a special tissue at the base of the brain, that acts like a sponge and soaks up any blood that got past the closeoffs.This is not something that can evolve in a giraffe, because the first giraffe created would have died the first time it bent down to get a drink never getting the chance to have a second generation.
Also did you know that on the 19th day, not on the 18th or the 20th, a chick still within the egg, breaks into the air sack at the top of the egg to have more air to breathe. And then it has 6 hours to break out of the shell or it dies. It has this knowledge without be shown or told what to do, because God created it with this knowledge.

I was amazed at the awesome things that God came up with when he was creating the world and all those within it. The old pick up line is so true in this case. When God created you, he was showing off. When God was creating this world, he was truly showing off all his talent!!!

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