
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thank you God!!

There are times when I wish I could walk right up to God and kiss him on the cheek. God has blessed me in so many ways and so abundantly I could just cry at times! And I am not talking about the number 1 thing that He did for me and every you reading this blog, by sending His son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins so that we can be saved from the horrors of hell. If that was the only thing God ever did for me that would be more than I deserve.

I am talking about the things He does for me daily that shows me that I am His beloved, that I mean something to Him, that I am a treasure. When I think of the love God has for me, the picture I have in my head is when your loved one holds you face tenderly in their hands and looks at you with that deep intense love that just radiates from their soul. That is the intensity of God's love for each one of us!

Today I just wanted to cry throughout the day, because I felt God's presence in so many things today. First in the team meeting today and then after when God spoke to my heart and calmed my spirit and changed my attitude. I know that what I need to not focus on the possibility that Ryan could go home to his mom and think of how I don't know if that is best, but trust in God and to see whatever time Ryan is with us as a time for him to heal and God to work on his heart and for his mom to get healthy also.

Then in the car when Ryan goes "you know Mandi, I don't get along with kids my own age as well as I get along with younger kids." This was totally out of the blue and opened up the chance to talk about how that is because a part of him, his emotional age is so much younger, and that through counseling and talking about and dealing with things that have happened to him, we are hoping to get him caught up emotionally. And how many times when we are young and things happen to us we get "stuck" at the age in some way and that if we don't work through it, it will effect our whole life, often for the negative. And how often people end up using things such as alcohol and drugs to "deal" with it when they get older.

And finally in the man who will be watching Ryan this weekend. I was so worried about that, but the man's son is also emotionally immature and is more like an 8 year old in many ways, not like he is mentally handicapped, but just stuck also. And they are involved with alot of stuff so Ryan will have a fun busy weekend. And with this guy having had foster children and his own adopted some who has alot in common with Ryan, maybe I can ask him questions down the road about how to balance the emotional age and actual age and not do this all wrong.

So right now I just want to give God a huge, heartfelt kiss on the cheek and tell Him how much I love Him and appreciate all He did today!!

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