
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Please Comment

*I just was looking at the viewing stats on my blog and since starting it I have had 705 views with only TWO comments. Maybe that wouldn't bother you, but to me it makes me sometimes wonder if what I say is just not interesting enough to comment on. Now honestly I don't know who reads my blog other except for my 2 follower and 1 person I am sure reads. But please, if something I write makes you laugh or smile, please let me know. Leave me a word of encouragement if you feel led. Please just let me know that understand. Something please.

In return I am going to start making an effort to comment on others blogs when I read them. That way they know that I enjoyed what they wrote, or that I understand what they are feeling, etc.

So please stroke my ego, lift my spirits, let me know you have gone through it too. Please comment. You can comment anonymously if you dont want to let me know who you are. Please just let me know that I am not just saying all this and it doesn't really matter.

1 comment:

  1. Of course what you're writing matters! To you, to your family, and to the people reading it. I tend to be more of a "lurker" and not comment much. But your blog is encouraging to me, so thanks for sharing your story! :)
