
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My guilty little pleasure!

There are so many ways to deal with stress. It has been until just recently that I figured out what one of my ways to deal with stress is. I mean, I have been doing this for years, but I never knew that I used it to relieve stress. I mean think of all the ways people relieve their stress, for some people it is food, sex, shopping, alchol, smoking, gambling, exercise, drugs, pop(this is a big one for me), the list can go on and on. So what is the thing I recently discovered helps with my stress level?

It is something I had stopped doing for a while. I used to do it all the time. Started when I was in middle school probably or at least high school. I stopped because it was just getting so expensive, even though it is somthing I really, REALLy enjoyed. WIth Ryan coming to live with us and my stress level getting higher, I reliezed I HAD to start up again.

So have you guessed it? My deep, dark, guilty pleasure is ....................QUILTING!! I love to quilt. I love to see how materials can become something so beautiful. That two people can pick the same pattern and different fabrics and come out with totally different quilts. I love seeing fabric and imagining a new quilt in my head. It lets my creative side run wild. So here is my lastest finished quilt front. I am making it for Ryan and plan to make one for each of the kids for Christmas. Here pictures of it.

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