
Monday, February 6, 2012

5 down, thousands to go

My boys are EXTREMELY hard on their jeans. We are lucky if they can make a pair of jeans last over a month without getting holes in them. So after taking the 3 youngest kids to the doctor and getting a diagnosis of colds for each one(I knew it but with our trip this weekend I had to know for sure), I went to Walmart and got some vics vapor rub and orange juice for the kids and 1/4 a yard of about 5 different fabrics and some interfacing, I came home to tackle the growing pile of holey jeans.

Now I had the look of patches, they look so dorky to me when they are placed over the top. But with the amount of money it cost for jeans for 3 boys, I thought it was worth it to have them look a little dorky. But when starting I decided to leave the hole showing by putting the patch inside the jeans.

So now I have 5 pairs of jeans done so far, 2 that I just can't patch because the legs are too small to fit over my sewing machine arm, and more to do. There are probably some more in the wash to be patched also. But hey I have 5 pairs that are patched and the boys will be warmer.

Now I think I am going to pick up the living room a bit, work on Ryan's quilt(only 2 more rows before I can add the border on and have the front done) and then go get the boys from school. I enjoy these kind of days where I get to use my creative side. My house might suffer, but mommy is alittle less stressed. I mean that is all that really matters.


  1. My son goes through so many pais of jeans this way, ripping out the knees. I was throwing them out but finally decided that wasn't being a good steward of our resources so I cut up the worst pair and tried to patch a hole. But... the legs are too skinny to fit onto the sewing machine. And I just can't bring myself to spend the time doing it by hand. Your boys jeans are big enough for the sewing machine? I guess I just need to wait till he's a little bigger. But it feels awful to see all those jeans going into the garbage.

  2. Well I did find in doing the knee holes that most of my youngest son's pants wont fit onto my machine. He is five. My 7 year old who is wearing 10s fit onto it and so does our 11 year olds. Stinks cause the youngest has the most pairs of holey pants.
