
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

If we are not showing the love of God, what are we showing?

Tonight the regular Wednesday services started back up and so youth group started back up. John wasn't feeling good, so I told him I would take the kids and do youth group. So with less than 4 hours I had to still do all my normal Wednesday stuff: pick up kids, dinner, getting kids ready, etc AND come up with something to do for youth. Yep that is me being supermom again.

Anyway so I go to church with all 5 kids by myself and trying to handle youth when I have no desire to even be there yet alone trying to teach the kids something. And of course I am not really in the groove of it, the youth kids are not really wanting to do a lesson, so we get through it and then pull out a game to just enjoy some chatting time.

In the time of being there I had quite a few people asking me the question "How are you doing?" and instead of the normal, expected answer "fine" my response was to everyone one of them along the lines of "it has been a really long month." You would think they would call for a question of what is going on, a little show of concern, something. Nothing from almost everyone of them. I did have one woman say she had been praying for us and that it was a hard thing to have another child in our home. But the rest I honestly don't think they even cared.

How sad is that? In the house of God, in the company of my church family, there seems to be no concern for a fellow child of God when they are going through a hard time. We, as children of God are suppose to be showing the love of Christ, the compassion of Christ, and I got blank stares and uneasy responses.

This is not a normal case of our child is acting up. This is a foster child that has an emotional detachment disorder. He isn't just a child who is trying to get attention, or being snotty just because, he has had a hard life, been left and shipped off to multiple homes, seen drug use and stuff he never should, he was obviously not nutured in a normal way the first 4 years of life, which is the most important developement time in a child's life. Most kids in the foster system have issues with this and it takes alot of time, energy, and dedication to help heal this. We can't and won't just send him back like he is a puppy who we don't want to put the effort into potty training him.

I would just like those around us to realize that he is a precious son of God, he deserves love, no we are not going to neglect our children just because we are putting forth the effort to care and love him, that we need a listening ear, not judgement or "helpful" negative advice, don't minimilize the problems as "every kid acts like that from time to time", and also understanding that we can't be or do everything we did before because right now our family is what we need to focus on.

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