
Friday, January 6, 2012

If part of it isn't truth, what about the rest?

I was having a conversation today and the conversation turned to about how people used to live to be over 800 years. This other person's view on this is that they must have counted time differently, having more years within our time frame of a year. I pointed out that they probably went by seasons like we do.

So I got to thinking more about this. Here is my big thing, if they did count time differently(which I don't believe that is the reason for the longer lifetimes) then they would have started with having like 8 "years" within one of our years to account for a 800 year old and that is people lived to be a 100 of our years. But this doesn't make since because then an one year old would be viewed as an eight year old in their time. And it even says that when Sarah and Abram had their promised son they were like in their 90's and she was past child bearing years. So that would mean that if we were going with the theory 8 of their years makes up one of our years, then they would be about 11 in our time, and 11 years olds aren't even into child bearing years.

So I have to agree to disagree on this part. I am sorry but I believe that they really did live way longer in the beginning of the world even if they did have somewhat of a different way to measure time.

But in further thinking about this I realized that we often try to put God and His word into terms that we humans can grasp. We try to explain His word in scientific language and often when not being able to mesh the 2 together, we say that obviously that means that part of the Bible is untrue. Here is the danger in that, if we are willing to disregard parts of God's word, which is supposed to be truth, then we are saying parts of God's truth is untrue, so then we are more likely to question the rest.

My opinion- God's word is truth! All of it, even the parts that to my stupid human mind seems impossible. Through God all things are possible. We are willing to believe in all kids of lies that the world tells us, but not willing to believe the truth of God's word. Goes to further prove my thought on satan: Satan doesn't care what you believe in, as long as you don't believe God's word and His promise of salvation through the sacrafice of Christ.

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