
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

As long as your happy!

The other day as I sit in the counseling office chatting with Ryan and his mom, waiting for them to go back for their visit, Ryan was telling his mom about how he was going to be in a musical at school and had gotten the part of the prince in Rapenzel. He said he had signed up for Rapenzel as a joke. His mom said that they should have given him it and made the comment "It doesn't matter as long as your happy." This kinda struck a nerve in me.

I know she didn't mean anything by it but good things, but honestly this is what is wrong with the world today. We live on the assumtion that we can do whatever we want to make us happy and that we have some God given right to always be happy. God doesn't promise we will always be happy. That life will always be easy.

I mean honestly I sit there thinking about how Ryan's mom has made alot of choices in her life that made her happy and I wanted to ask her, "so what your choices did to your life and your kids' lives doesn't matter, because you did all this to make you happy?"

What about all those people who prey on children? It makes them happy, so is that ok? What about all those people who drink and drive? Is it ok as long as they are happy?

I know this is just a phrase and with common sense we can distiguish between ok things to do that make you happy and what is not ok, but honestly if we look at the world today we can see that this mindset is more than a phrase today. It is becoming the theme of so many of our lives.

Being happy is great, I don't like to be in a crusty mood. But I honestly think we need to start being content and happy in what God has abundantly blessed each of us with instead of running after this vision of what our lives is lacking that will make us happy.


  1. Great post! Definitely trying to be content & this was a good reminder. Thank you so much for your encouragement to me on my blog! I really appreciate that! God Bless!

  2. Thanks for the comment. I JUST posted about how I would like more comments and then saw you had commented on this. Again thank you.
