
Sunday, January 1, 2012

I was just reading news stories on and was shocked by a story.(ok, many of the stories shock me on there, but this one was kinda crazy) A woman on there admitted to throwing out the body of her daughter who was 5 when she died 6 years ago. The mom had for 6 years giving different excuses as to where the little girl was. The story went on to state that the mother had said the little girl died after a bookcase fell on her.

So here is my question, if it was a simple accident why hide the body for 6 years? Why after hiding the body for 6 years, do you just one day think, well today I am going to throw her away like garbage? Why were family members not more concerned when the little girl was missing a month, let alone 6 years?

I dont understand how some mothers can carry a child for 9 months under their heart, give birth to the baby and then harm it and never love it with a true mother's love. To just view that child as a possesion or worst yet a piece of trash to be thrown out. The heart of a mother and father seems to be lacking in so many of the news stories today. Senseless crimes and horrors inflicted on children, often by the very people who should be protecting them from harm.

There are so many children at this very moment that are in homes where drugs, money, sex, alcohol, work, THE WORLD, means more than the children. Homes where the children will go to bed tonight not even knowing the peace of a quiet, SAFE nights sleep. Where the children are wondering if tonight they will be pulled out of their beds and beaten, assualted, harmed in some way. What a sad life for a child! I just pray that somehow, someway they come to know that they have a Heavenly Father who loves them completely. That they are a treasure and a blessing. That they are sons and daughters of the King of kings and they are NEVER alone or forgotten!!

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