
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I am so proud!!

Well today I am feeling like crap. I have a cold that I am trying to get over. Anyway I still had 2 great moments today.

First today as I was taking Ryan back to school after his counseling appointment, he blew me away with his thoughts. Often he is not totally aware of how things affect the other kids, but today I was so proud of him. Our uncle has sent Ryan birthday presents and Christmas presents and since he opened them on different days, the kids(the boys especially) were upset because he got so many more presents. They were upset because he got presents from us(same amount as them), all our kids' grandparents(same amount as them), and then presents from his mom and my uncle. Now I understand that getting more presents doesn't make up for the fact that he is away from his mom right now, but trying to explain to kids 7 and 5 years olds that they might have less presents, but they have Mommy and Dadddy here everyday doesn't really work.

Anyway so Ryan said something about needing write our uncle a thank you card. (I think his mom mentioned this) and he goes "I think I am going to write him that next year he should buy all the kids presents so they don't feel bad." I was so proud of him!!

And then Kennedy was going to lay down for a nap and she goes "wait I have to go potty" and she went in and POOPED on the potty. I was so proud. No prodding, no asking, just up and went POOP on the potty. It was awesome!!

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