
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mom vs. Wife

Pulled out a parent's magazine that I hadn't looked through yet tonight and was incrediably saddened by one of the mini articles.  "Mom vs. Wife, a surprising new survey inspires head-to-head deate: Which gig is more important?" was the title/subtitle.

Which gig is more important? I didn't know it was a either or question! Either work at being a good parent or work at being a good spouse is apparently the midset of the "millennials." Yep Americans under the age of 30 are refered to as the Millennials generation. The article said that the majority of MY generation place a higher value on raising kids than on getting married. 52% of adults 18-29 said that eing a good parent is "one of the most important things" in life and only 30% said the same on having a successful marriage.

They had a quote from an award winning blogge and author stating "I'd rather have my marriage fall apart than fail as a parent. An adult can pick up the pieces and move on after a bad marriage, but how do you 'fix' a child who has been neglected? Millennials know that they can raise happy, healthy children outside of marriage because they saw their own divorced parents do it. As a single mom, that gives me hope."

So apparently cultivating a successful marriage creates neglected children?! What?!?! I am sorry, but I can work on keeping a strong connection with my husband AND give my kids the love and support they need. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

You know what else this generation of children and young adults around the age of 21 is called? The fatherless generation!!

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