
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

God's morals haven't changed!

Last night I posted on facebook this: "Today Kennedy told me she wants to be a mommy like me when she grows up. She goes "I wanna have one, two, three babies, but only one daddy." In todays society it is becoming pretty rare to have kids with only 1 father. It is kinda sad what has happened to families."  This was followed by replies by replies that sounded like they felt this was a comment directed at them. They talked about how blended families are good and that there is nothing wrong with families today.(I have nothing against blended families) Another woman who has 2 kids from different dad said that she agrees because it is hard to explain to kids and to be proud of having the treasure of one father to my kids.

Now here is my problem with this. It is my right to my own opinion. My post was not about anyone in particular, and I don't know why it was taken as such. And I do find it sad that God's respect of marriage and families has been disregarded by much of the world. The relationship between a man and wife is suppose to reflect the love Christ has for the church. Let's face it, in a good majority of marriages today that is NOT the case.

And so many people have disregarded marriage all together and get irritated when people stand up for God's vision. I am sorry marriage is sacred and sex outside of marriage is a SIN!! And I stand here saying this as a person who entered into this sin multiple times. I was wrong, I hurt God and my sin of sex before marriage put Christ on the cross.

It seems like in today's society people are so slow to admit and repent of their sin. Anyone who views sex outside of marriage is just being narrowminded and old fashion in their eyes. I am sorry, but just because more and more people are having sex outside of marriage and therefore more babies are born outside of marriage doesn't mean that God's commandments have changed. The world's morals have changed not God's!

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