
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Walking with Jesus

Tonight in youth we read in Luke 24 about 2 men who were followers of Jesus who were traveling on a road on the third day after Jesus died on the cross and were upset because they felt their faith and trust in Jesus was misplaced and that he was not really the savior. And along comes a man who joined them in their travels and they told this man of what had happened with Jesus and how they were upset. And this man proceeded to speak scripture to them and speak life to them. This man was Jesus and even though they were followers of him, they did not know him. It was not until they asked him to join them for a rest and meal were their eyes opened.

How like us these men are! We are all on a walk with Jesus, some of us are at that stage in our walk where we are glancing over at this stranger wondering who this man is; others know him, but because of our disappointments in life we can not recognize him; and others are walking hand in hand with him.

To get to know someone in such an intimate way that you know their voice, the feel of their hand, to sense their very presence means you spend time with them. Your best friend does not become your best friend by never seeing or talking to them. You spend time with them, you pour your heart out to them and listen to what they have to say. This is how we get to know Jesus in a deep and intimate way too.

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