
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Clueless to the Inner Workings of Women

John and I were watching the movie about a woman whose brother is marrying her highschool rival (I think it is called "You Again") and there is a part where the main woman's mother shows up to the engagement party in this really pretty red dress looking super attractive. Then in walks in her ex best friend from hs who had become her rival wearing (GASP) the same dress. John in all his manly cluelessness of the inner working of a woman's brain asked me why that would upset them. His exact words was "if guys were to do that we would give each other a high five for looking awesome."

My poor, poor, clueless husband. Unfortunatly women are a little more (heck I will even say it) crazy. I then went on to explain to him that for most women that is not a compliment to see another woman in the same outfit we are in, because the whole time we are around them, what is usually going through our heads is "wonder who people think look better."

No wonder men have a hard time figuring out women. We are sometime difficult to understand. Today I told John that I didn't know what was wrong with Livie, that she seemed to be upset and whining for no reason. He goes "oh guess she is becoming a woman early." It was too funny and true to be offended.

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