
Sunday, August 21, 2011

I really didn't have a clue

When I made the decision to marry John over 9 years ago, I didn't have any idea what it really meant. I was young, 17 turning 18 later that month. I was very much in love, but in some ways it was a kinda immature love. We had a strong love, but it was still a love of 2 young people who were still new to be adults. Now some people probably thought that that meant we wouldn't last, that we were just too young to know what real love was. But they were wrong.

We were very much in love. I knew when I said yes to John that I was marrying my very best friend, but I have to admit I didn't realize what marrying my best friend meant. Our love is a deep love that is built on a mutual respect and deep LIKING of one another. I think one of the key points of any good marriage is that you need to LIKE you spouse, truly enjoy spending time with them.

Over the years John and I have gone through some hard times, financial issues, personal issues, lose of a baby, etc and through the power of the Lord, those times have made us stronger. Can I say that everyday of our marriage I enjoyed. Oh HECK NO!! There are some days I look at John and think "Boy would I like to through some hot grease on you."(quote from a movie but it totally works here) Not everyday have we gotten along. We have had some real problems to work through and when we got married I never imaged that we would face those problems. But all those times have made the love I have for him deeper. He is my lover, my best friend, my confindant, my #1 under God.

John, thank you very much for being my man! As we are preparing to celebrate our 14th anniversary since we got together(I was 13 and he was 15 when we started dating) I want you to know that marrying you was one of the greatest decisions of my life. You are an amazing husband, friend, father, and man of God. I couldn't image making this journey without you. Thank you for being my other half and giving me 5 beautiful babies. I love you!!

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