
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Our Beloved!!

This morning I took the girls to church while John and the boys stayed home with Casey. I thought that I was possibly going to have to run the computer for service, but was pleasantly surprised that the person scheduled to run it would be at church this week. So instead of getting the computer ready during worship practice, I decided to sit in and enjoy the worship team practicing.

Turns out that the backup singers for worship were not going to be singing today, so I was asked to sing, which I haven't done in forever. Man did I enjoy it. Just singing during practice was uplifting and enjoyable, but God really showed up during the service worship and he spoke to my heart. I could feel him moving in the church, in the people, and blessing us. And the word that God gave me for this town, the youth of this city, was amazing. He said that this town has so much left to do, that the youth and my generation are going to rise up and take a stand for his name.

He also showed me a vision of his desire of each one of our relationship with him. He wants an intimate relationship with us, not something superficial, real and deep. We are his beloved, he is our bridegroom. I know some have a hard time thinking of God like this, because they think of it like a romantic relationship in the sense of a romantic relationship between 2 people. It is a romantic relationship in the sense of feelings of complete love and adoration. When God looks at us his heart skips a beat, he is completely and 100% crazy for us.

And here is what he showed me. Just as the first time we stand before our spouse naked and vunerable, hiding nothing, holding nothing back, God desires that we come to him naked(not litereally)and vunerable, not keeping any part of ourselves hidden, but be totally transparent and open with him. Just like you can't have a strong marriage if you have parts of your life you keep from your spouse, things you lie about. We can never have the deep, intimate relationship with Christ if we are not open and honest about our hurts, our desires, our thoughts, our dreams.
How amazing that we can have this type of love and relationship with our Savior!! God is so amazing!!

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