
Sunday, August 21, 2011

I really didn't have a clue

When I made the decision to marry John over 9 years ago, I didn't have any idea what it really meant. I was young, 17 turning 18 later that month. I was very much in love, but in some ways it was a kinda immature love. We had a strong love, but it was still a love of 2 young people who were still new to be adults. Now some people probably thought that that meant we wouldn't last, that we were just too young to know what real love was. But they were wrong.

We were very much in love. I knew when I said yes to John that I was marrying my very best friend, but I have to admit I didn't realize what marrying my best friend meant. Our love is a deep love that is built on a mutual respect and deep LIKING of one another. I think one of the key points of any good marriage is that you need to LIKE you spouse, truly enjoy spending time with them.

Over the years John and I have gone through some hard times, financial issues, personal issues, lose of a baby, etc and through the power of the Lord, those times have made us stronger. Can I say that everyday of our marriage I enjoyed. Oh HECK NO!! There are some days I look at John and think "Boy would I like to through some hot grease on you."(quote from a movie but it totally works here) Not everyday have we gotten along. We have had some real problems to work through and when we got married I never imaged that we would face those problems. But all those times have made the love I have for him deeper. He is my lover, my best friend, my confindant, my #1 under God.

John, thank you very much for being my man! As we are preparing to celebrate our 14th anniversary since we got together(I was 13 and he was 15 when we started dating) I want you to know that marrying you was one of the greatest decisions of my life. You are an amazing husband, friend, father, and man of God. I couldn't image making this journey without you. Thank you for being my other half and giving me 5 beautiful babies. I love you!!

Clueless to the Inner Workings of Women

John and I were watching the movie about a woman whose brother is marrying her highschool rival (I think it is called "You Again") and there is a part where the main woman's mother shows up to the engagement party in this really pretty red dress looking super attractive. Then in walks in her ex best friend from hs who had become her rival wearing (GASP) the same dress. John in all his manly cluelessness of the inner working of a woman's brain asked me why that would upset them. His exact words was "if guys were to do that we would give each other a high five for looking awesome."

My poor, poor, clueless husband. Unfortunatly women are a little more (heck I will even say it) crazy. I then went on to explain to him that for most women that is not a compliment to see another woman in the same outfit we are in, because the whole time we are around them, what is usually going through our heads is "wonder who people think look better."

No wonder men have a hard time figuring out women. We are sometime difficult to understand. Today I told John that I didn't know what was wrong with Livie, that she seemed to be upset and whining for no reason. He goes "oh guess she is becoming a woman early." It was too funny and true to be offended.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Getting ALITTLE Frustrated!!

I have been making exercise a regular part of my daily routine. For the past 2 months, after lunch I lay the kids down for nap/quiet time while I exercise on most days. I started doing Zumba workouts and have been working up how long I can do it. I started off with the beginning 20 minute workouts and couldn't even make it through 10 minutes when I first started. The got through the whole 20 minutes. Worked up into the intermediate 20 minute workout and got through that also. Today I did the 45 minute intermediate workout and got through 38 minutes of it. It feels so good to sweat and work off some of my stress.

I also have been trying to do some toning and strength training on the Wii Fit game. I have been enjoying working out and feel really accomplished when I get through a workout. I even have noticed my body becoming more toned.

But I am a little frustrated about the scale. I will lose 2 lbs and then gain it back, lost a lb, gain it back throughout the month. So after 2 months of working out according to the wii fit scale today I weight a lbs more then I did when I started. How on earth is that possible. My clothes are fitting better, according to measurements I have lost inches, so why is the scale not showing any change. I so want to lose all my baby weight. Last time I started working out I lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks and kept it off while working out. But not this time. I am even eating less and craving better foods.

So really, WHAT IS THE DEAL!?!?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

So I haven't posted in a while. It has been kinda crazy around here. The 2011-2012 school year is getting ready to begin which means extra stuff for us to get done. This year since I am the only one on the education committee that will be able to be at the school, I am overseeing it. Which is kinda a good thing. I have alot of stuff to do for admissions committee to get ready for the first day of school so being there through the week will give the chance to get it done.

I am so excited for the new school year. We have an amazing group of teachers and a great bunch of students. The Lord has blessed us extremely the last couple of years and saw us through changes in the school. Now we are at a point where we are seeing new leaders rising up, parents excited and more active in the school, and just an amazing attitude for this year. I can't wait to see all the kids again. I know the kids are extremely excited too.

Platte Valley Christian Academy this is going to be an amazing year!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

My thoughts at the moment.

There are times when it is just better to remain silent then go off on a rant.

Believe me, right now I have many thoughts I could share with you. Frustrations about people and situations. Ane yes, this being my personal blog, I could share them if I wanted to. But it that really a blessing to you?! I mean, I don't really want to even think about them, so why would I burden you with them.

I am coming to realize as I grow older(yep I am at the ripe old age of 27, better get a walker) that knowledge is sometimes more of a burden then a blessing. Sometimes I would rather be in the dark. Ignorance sometimes is bliss. So there is my thought for the day. lol

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Our Beloved!!

This morning I took the girls to church while John and the boys stayed home with Casey. I thought that I was possibly going to have to run the computer for service, but was pleasantly surprised that the person scheduled to run it would be at church this week. So instead of getting the computer ready during worship practice, I decided to sit in and enjoy the worship team practicing.

Turns out that the backup singers for worship were not going to be singing today, so I was asked to sing, which I haven't done in forever. Man did I enjoy it. Just singing during practice was uplifting and enjoyable, but God really showed up during the service worship and he spoke to my heart. I could feel him moving in the church, in the people, and blessing us. And the word that God gave me for this town, the youth of this city, was amazing. He said that this town has so much left to do, that the youth and my generation are going to rise up and take a stand for his name.

He also showed me a vision of his desire of each one of our relationship with him. He wants an intimate relationship with us, not something superficial, real and deep. We are his beloved, he is our bridegroom. I know some have a hard time thinking of God like this, because they think of it like a romantic relationship in the sense of a romantic relationship between 2 people. It is a romantic relationship in the sense of feelings of complete love and adoration. When God looks at us his heart skips a beat, he is completely and 100% crazy for us.

And here is what he showed me. Just as the first time we stand before our spouse naked and vunerable, hiding nothing, holding nothing back, God desires that we come to him naked(not litereally)and vunerable, not keeping any part of ourselves hidden, but be totally transparent and open with him. Just like you can't have a strong marriage if you have parts of your life you keep from your spouse, things you lie about. We can never have the deep, intimate relationship with Christ if we are not open and honest about our hurts, our desires, our thoughts, our dreams.
How amazing that we can have this type of love and relationship with our Savior!! God is so amazing!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Walking with Jesus

Tonight in youth we read in Luke 24 about 2 men who were followers of Jesus who were traveling on a road on the third day after Jesus died on the cross and were upset because they felt their faith and trust in Jesus was misplaced and that he was not really the savior. And along comes a man who joined them in their travels and they told this man of what had happened with Jesus and how they were upset. And this man proceeded to speak scripture to them and speak life to them. This man was Jesus and even though they were followers of him, they did not know him. It was not until they asked him to join them for a rest and meal were their eyes opened.

How like us these men are! We are all on a walk with Jesus, some of us are at that stage in our walk where we are glancing over at this stranger wondering who this man is; others know him, but because of our disappointments in life we can not recognize him; and others are walking hand in hand with him.

To get to know someone in such an intimate way that you know their voice, the feel of their hand, to sense their very presence means you spend time with them. Your best friend does not become your best friend by never seeing or talking to them. You spend time with them, you pour your heart out to them and listen to what they have to say. This is how we get to know Jesus in a deep and intimate way too.

Monday, August 1, 2011

My Big Bro!!

I have been extremely blessed to have a brother who is more then a brother, he is truly one of my best friends. He is 20 months older than me, but in school he was a year ahead of me. And we actually graduated the same year, I recieved my diploma before he did.(A comes before C, haha) And that might have bothered most brothers, they might have viewed it as annoying their their little sister was sitting beside them during graduation and sharing a party, but not my brother. We had a blast joking during graduation.

In fact my brother and I are still really close. He just so happens to be John's best friend, so when he comes to visit, all the family is happy, I get to see my brother, John gets his video game buddy, and the kids get their cool uncle to play with. John and I actually met through Casey, they used to play football together.

Casey is an amazing man. He is funny, sensitive, and has a huge heart. I pray that someday the Lord will bring the right woman into my brother's life, a woman who builds him up, loves him despite his flaws(yes, even he has some), and create a strong marriage and family with him.

My brother is always up for goofing around. Here is him wearing his sweater for our "ugly sweater party" with the youth kids.

And here is a picture of Livie, Casey, and me(not my favorite of me, but I love it anyway because I don't get many pictures of us together) My prayer for my brother is that he would start to see himself as God sees him, as someone beautiful and precious, someone he created with a purpose that only he can do. To realize that he is not only worth something, but he is invaluable to the kingdom of God and that he would no longer get his sense of value(or sometime lack of value) of himself from other's views.

I love you Casey and am so proud of the man you are and the man I know God has for you to be.

Need to find a good idea!

I have found that a couple of the blogs I really like to read have something that they post about alot, one posts on crocheting projects, one on cakes and muffins they cook(they look AMAZING!!), one I just found on the cool bento boxes she sends for lunches for her kids each day, another on things they are loving that week, another weekly pictures. So I am thinking I need to find something cool to post on regularly. I have a great idea.................................................... Livie's daily poopy diaper, or how big today's laundry pile is, or what bug the boys found today. Just kidding, I said a COOL idea.

So I am going to have to think on this and see what I want to post on regularly. Might have to borrow an idea from someone.