
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

To use or not to use!

Tomorrow is John and my's 15 year annivesary of when we started "going out." FIFTEEN YEARS!! That is pretty amazing for a couple who are 28 and 30. Got to say I am pretty proud of our 15 years of being together and 10 years of marriage. In the day and age where relationship all seem to have a short shelve time, we have made it a long time. And we plan on going for the long haul!!

Anyway last week we exchanged gifts. Of course by exchanging gifts I mean that John went and picked up both of the presents. I did however tell him what to get himself and I picked it out all by myself. But since his was a xbox game and it needed to be purchased at the local Game Stop so I had him get it. Plus I think he secretly wanted to go look around.

I was blessed with a gift certificate for a  pregnancy massage. I am so thankful for it. My only problem is that last time I recieved a gift certificate for a massage from John, I held onto it for 6 months until it almost expired. Not because I didnt want to use it but because I am the type who looks forward to things like that. And the longer I hold onto it, the longer I have to look forward to it. Once I use it, then it is gone and I don't have it to look forward to when I am trying to get through a really tough week.

Now here I am in alot of back pain and just miserable and think I should go use it today. But my fear is that today I will feel good and maybe tomorrow, but the way I have been feeling, I will just have another day of back pain with nothing to look forward to. lol Oh the dilemia of a special treat to look forward too. To use or not use until a later day. That is the question. lol

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