
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A great day

Today the kids' school pictures came in. They turned out so good. I am proud to put them up for everyone to see!

Alex- 2nd Grade

JJ- Kindergarten

Kennedy- Preschool
We were all looking forward to after school today. Today was the day we were going to pick out halloween costumes. We also decided to take the kids to the 2 pet stores we visited last week and look.

This morning I decided to run to the local Goodwill to see if I could find Kennedy a new backpack, but unfortunately I didn't find one. I did however find one for Alex. He has had his heart set on getting a computer like bag. We decided to have the kids' use their backpacks from last year instead of spending $15 a piece for new ones. I did find Alex a bag just like he was wanting and for the bargin price of $1.35.

Then I decided to look at the halloween costumes. No I am not one to look throw racks and racks of clothes and search sizes and styles for what I am wanting, but I decided to just take a chance. Right on one of the ends of the rack was a costume just like I saw in a magazine and wanted to get for Livie. It is one that she wears her normal clothes but it looks like she is riding a pink unicorn. It was only $3.25 so of course I had to buy it!!

Then I looked down the aisle and noticed a blue sparkly costume and took a chance that it was what I thought it was. And it was!! It was a blue cinderalla dress just like Kennedy wanted, also for $3.25, so with saving the money on her dress, I decided we could buy the tiara and shoes at Walmart to go with it.

So fast forward to after school when we picked up Alex. We were blessed with their amazing school pictures and then we were off. We hit the pet stores first. At the first one we purchased 3 snails for our fish tank which were christianed Sharky, Piggy, and Tiny by JJ. And of course the kids enjoyed looking at the snakes, gerbils, hamsters, birds, fishes, etc. Surprised we made it out without purchasing anything else.

Then we went to the other pet store and picked out 2 hermit crabs, christianed Sharktale by Alex and LaLa Loopsie by Kennedy. We of course had to buy the stuff to make a home for the hermit crabs. Alex really, really was hoping for a gecko and John wanted birds. We are hoping to get love birds soon.

Then we went to Walmart for the costumes. Alex picked a ninja costume, JJ will be captian america, Kennedy, Cinderalla, and Livie didn't get anything because we already had hers. We also picked up 2 games for the boys' classroom basket for the fun night silent auction.

So it was really a good eventful day. I enjoyed it greatly.

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