
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Do you ever have those days were you feel like you are doing all the housework around the house for what?! I mean I wash dishes, pick up, vacuum, wash and put away clothes to just do it again. It feels like instead of making lasting progress, I am just trying to stay ahead of the mess.

Thankfully I am not someone who expects their house to be spotless. My house is VERY lived in. There are surfaces covered with papers from school, mail, and random stuff, clothes in baskets to be put away, etc. And I honestly don't care if my house looks very lived in. I don't have trash all over(well I pick up it all, with 4 kids and 2 dogs, I do find trash on the floor), I don't live in filth, and my kids have clean clothes to wear.

But I have to admit that this pregnancy has made my aleady laxed view on housework, even more laxed. I just honestly don't have the energy or desire at the end of the night to clean while the kids are in bed. There are some nights where I go to bed not long after the kids go to bed.

Maybe someday I will have one of those houses where people could walk into at anytime of the day and it would be pretty much perfect and clean, but until that day, I will be ok with it. Just be forewarned, if you are a person who expects everyone to keep their house sparkling, maybe you should not drop in for an unannounced visit or you might see how we live. lol

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