
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fun Fest at PVCA

So today was Platte Valley Christian Academy's annual fun fest. It was a great success!! We were very blessed to recieve donations towards food and our silent auction.

The kids had a blast playing the games. Livie pretty much hung out at the duck pond just playing with the ducks. She just liked playing in the water. lol. Alex loved the strong man swing, trying to prove his manliness. lol. JJ just liked wondering around trying the different games. Kennedy was so proud that she after multiple attempts won a gold fish. We actually ended up coming home with 13 goldfish which puts us up to 15 goldfish. Hopefully we have better luck with our goldfish this year. Last year we started with 11 and only 2 survived. It is funny because now our 2 "grandpa" goldfish are WAY bigger than the new ones.

Talking about goldfish I have to tell you about the "Goldfish Massacre of 2012." A woman also on the fundraising committee was donating the fish again this year. She went and picked them up last night and the man put them in a bucket. He told her to have a stream of cold water flowing through the bucket to keep them alive. Well the cold water turned warm in the night and she woke up at 1 in the morning to find all but 1 fish dead and they had overflowed in the bucket to fill her tub and clog the drain. So she had to scoop them out of the drain with a spoon. I found it funny, she did not. So John went and bought more fish this morning and we were saved. lol

My favorite part of the day was the silent auction. I ended up taking the second shift so I could be in there at the end of the auction. I bid on many items and thankfully didn't win them all or I would have been BROKE!! As it was I walked away spending the most out of all the bidders, for a total of $202 that I alone spent on the silent auction. But I got some good stuff and won some items I REALLY wanted. I won a oil change, which I paid full price for, but I need one BAD and I figured giving the money to the school was a great cause. Also won a $25 gift certificate that will go towards another oil change, also needed for our other vehicle. I won a witness wear shirt for Kennedy, a HUGE tie dye bean bag chair for the kids(which I regret, because they keep fighting over it) and a $25 gift certificate for some flowers for the girls hair. And then there was our big purchase, that we wanted to win sooooo much. This was our top item and I would have gone higher if I had too. Are you excited to see what it is? Do I have you gripping your seat? It is 2 beautiful lovebirds! Actual, real life lovebirds!
I love them!! We have been holding onto them since Wednesday and I am so glad they were able to return. Their prior names were Romeo(the green) and Juliet(the blue) but they have been renamed. Their new names are Marshal and Lily or Marshmallow and Lilypad. Now some of you might have figured out the reason for the names but for those of you who don't know I will explain. We have come to really enjoy the show "How I Met Your Mother" (I know it is shameful, but I do really like it) and 2 of the main characters is a couple name, you guessed it, Lily and Marshal, so that is how our lovebirds got their names. Now we just hope that the dogs leave them alone and we can get them used to us so we can tame them.

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