
Monday, March 7, 2011

This is my life?!

When I was young, I had so many visions in my head what my family life to be when I grew up. I thought my husband and I were going to have the perfect marriage, perfect kids, and perfect life. I would see other people in their relationships and go "well we are not going to be like them, we aren't going to fight like that, our kids wont act like, etc, etc." I envisioned us with a cute little house with a wrap around porch, me baking cookies everyday for the kids when they got home, house in perfect shape, kids always clean, and John and I witting outside on a porch swing at the end of the day enjoying the evening. Now I see how naive I was!

My day sometimes is utter chaos! It is filled with wiping noses, dealing with more human waste then I care to think about, cleaning up the same messes over and over again, trying to stay ahead of a laundry pile that I am pretty sure grows on its own, breaking up fights, dealing with whining and crying, kids begging for food, packing kids in and out of a vehicle multiple times a day, etc. John and I get annoyed with one another, irritate each other, and are short with one another more times than I would like to admit. I am not always the patient, loving wife and mother that I wish I was. But you know what? I LOVE MY LIFE!!

I am married to an amazing man who just so happens to be my best friend. He is someone that yes I fight with sometimes, but I also laugh with, can be my dorky self with, who I can trust with my heart and who makes me feel totally loved an adore. Who forgives me for all my shortcomings and can look past all my faults to the woman that God created me to be. (Not to mention that he is incredibly good looking!!)

We have 4 beautiful and sometimes crazy kids.

Alex who is definitely a first born. He is opinionated, bull headed, confident, loving, and sensitive. He looks out for his brother and sisters and is a big help to me. He is always trying to find ways to help me and has the heart of a servant! God has great things for that boy!

JJ who is our crazy child. That kid can disappear faster than any child I have ever seen. He is loud, active, and a handful. But then he can be so sweet and loving. He is always telling me how beautiful I am and when he looks at me with those big brown eyes I just melt. And how he loves to sing praises to God!

Kennedy who is our fist princess! She is such a girly girl, but yet can play guns and army with her brothers. She loves people and has such spirit about her. She walks with confidence and is so sure of herself!

And Livie our little baby girl. She is our quiet one so far. Much more reserved than the others, but still loves people. Her eyes sparkle all the time. She is such a blessing to us!

And the greatest part of my life is the God I serve! God pours mercy and grace over me continually. When I get to the point where I feel I cant do it on my own, he patiently waits until I realize I can't do anything at all on my own and give all control over to him. He is constantly molding me into the person he created me to be. He showers me in love and transforms my heart more and more. He is mightier than anything I could ever face and nothing is to big for him to overcome.


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