
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oh, the things a 6 year old can come up with!

So my brother has been dating this girl Rebecca and Kennedy has taken an extreme liking to her. She always is talking about Becca and the other day I caught her singing a song and as I started listening to the words she was singing "I wanna see Becca, I wanna see Becca."

So today as we drove home from my grandma's, Kennedy was cranky because she hadn't had a nap. So Alex trying to calm her down said "well maybe Becca can come over." Of course that got Kennedy to start squealling and chanting Becca over and over. I told her "no, Becca is not coming over tonight," which then made her cry.

So Alex in all the wisdom that he had obtained in his 6 years of life, decided that Mommy needed to crochet a "Becca" doll for Kennedy. He said "Mom, it would be really cool. You could give her eyes and hair just like Becca and then Kennedy can carry Becca around all day long." Oh that boy makes me smile!!

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