
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Let the torture begin!

So my brother is getting married in September which is totally amazing! I am so happy for him and I really like his future wife. Problem is that I have less then 6 months to get my body smokin'! Going to be a bridesmaid and will have to get into an amazing dress. And at the moment I have ZERO motivation. I am going to need to kick my butt into gear! So I am going to start cutting down on pop(please pray for me!), start working out again, and eat less sweets. But first I need to get rid of the brownies that are AMAZING and sitting on my oven at this very moment. What to do? What to do? Lets face it, I am going to devour them!!! Tomorrow phase GET MY BUTT IN GEAR can start!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The circus life is not for me!

Yesterday while watching a commercial I came to the conclusion that men are very lucky in one aspect. When they start to get a double chin, they can just grow a beard to cover it up. Then you can't tell if their bushy beard is from facial hair or chub.

Women don't have the luxary. I mean lets face it, if we grow a nice beard to cover up our chubby face, no one will be wondering if their beard is extra bushy or from excess chub. They will be wondering why they haven't joined the circus as the bearded lady.

So I guess that I will refrain from growing a beard to cover up my chubby face, because I just don't have the desire to live the circus life. But if I was a man, I would so have a beard!! And that is just a little look into the interworkings of my head. Weird I know, but hey, that is me! lol

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Peace and Quiet!

There is something totally amazing about having a completely quiet house when there are 5 other people in the house and 2 dogs. John is sleeping, all 4 kids are napping, and so are the dogs. Totally peace and quiet. Which today is totally appreciated considering my head is hurting. But really, how many moms with 4 kids can say that on an almost daily basis they get all their kids down for a nap at the same time.

On another note, today was our kindergarten roundup and preschool preview at PVCA. Although I really wish there had been more people bring their children, it went really good. I am so encouraged because of the group of parents we have now, and we have a great vision for the school. There are people that want to see the school grow and more students which has been a vision of mine since we started the school. Praise God for this!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Clothes, Clothes Everywhere!!

I am beginning to believe that my laundry is multiplying it. I am going to have to stop leaving it unattended, cause every time I leave, it seems to have doubled in size. I do run the washer and dryer VERY often, so I am not sure what is happening. And not only that but it also seems like no matter how often I wash clothes we never can find underwear, pjs, or socks. I am beginning to thing that there is a monster living in my house that eats all underwear, pjs, and socks that it can find. And then when it is full it piles more clothes on the piles. That has to be the reason!

So this little problem got me to think about a solution and here is my brill ant idea. Someone needs to create a machine that finds ALL the dirty clothes around the house, washes them, folds them, and put them all away! That would be totally amazing! How much simpler would my day be! So all you inventors out there, this is your next project. Get to work and contact me when you have a working model!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Yeah, I know I am different!!!

Ok, so as I get older I have decided to embrace my uniqueness. There is no one else like me on this earth and I for one think I am pretty awesome. And oh so humble. Anyway I have many quirks as I am sure John would agree with.

One is my love for breaking out in commercial jingles at the weirdest times. Yes, I know I am a dork, but hey that's me. I love jingles, they are fun to sing especially when you really get into singing them. Well this is one trait that I have passed onto Alex. I find it quite funny when he just randomly starts singing a jingle!

So another quirk of mine is that I have no problem with having a sticker placed on my face and wearing it in public. Often when we got to Walmart we get those little stickers that the door greeters hand out. They used to be the smiley faces, but now are blue round stickers with three yellow lines on them kinda like a petal. Well some people put them on their shirts or hands, but not the Schimeks. Our favorite place is right in the center of our foreheads. And I have been known to walk through Walmart with it there.

So the other day we bought some birdie stickers for Kennedy and this is what she did with them..............................

So not to be left out Mommy had to join in..................................................

And we also like to dress up. And so here is Livie being a little diva.........................................

So that is a little bit about me. I am a dork, I married a dork, and we are raising our little family of dorks. We are unique and different, but God made us with a special purpose. Something that only we can do for his kingdom. And I for one am not ashamed of who God created me to be. Although sometimes I think the people I am with might be. lol

Monday, March 7, 2011

This is my life?!

When I was young, I had so many visions in my head what my family life to be when I grew up. I thought my husband and I were going to have the perfect marriage, perfect kids, and perfect life. I would see other people in their relationships and go "well we are not going to be like them, we aren't going to fight like that, our kids wont act like, etc, etc." I envisioned us with a cute little house with a wrap around porch, me baking cookies everyday for the kids when they got home, house in perfect shape, kids always clean, and John and I witting outside on a porch swing at the end of the day enjoying the evening. Now I see how naive I was!

My day sometimes is utter chaos! It is filled with wiping noses, dealing with more human waste then I care to think about, cleaning up the same messes over and over again, trying to stay ahead of a laundry pile that I am pretty sure grows on its own, breaking up fights, dealing with whining and crying, kids begging for food, packing kids in and out of a vehicle multiple times a day, etc. John and I get annoyed with one another, irritate each other, and are short with one another more times than I would like to admit. I am not always the patient, loving wife and mother that I wish I was. But you know what? I LOVE MY LIFE!!

I am married to an amazing man who just so happens to be my best friend. He is someone that yes I fight with sometimes, but I also laugh with, can be my dorky self with, who I can trust with my heart and who makes me feel totally loved an adore. Who forgives me for all my shortcomings and can look past all my faults to the woman that God created me to be. (Not to mention that he is incredibly good looking!!)

We have 4 beautiful and sometimes crazy kids.

Alex who is definitely a first born. He is opinionated, bull headed, confident, loving, and sensitive. He looks out for his brother and sisters and is a big help to me. He is always trying to find ways to help me and has the heart of a servant! God has great things for that boy!

JJ who is our crazy child. That kid can disappear faster than any child I have ever seen. He is loud, active, and a handful. But then he can be so sweet and loving. He is always telling me how beautiful I am and when he looks at me with those big brown eyes I just melt. And how he loves to sing praises to God!

Kennedy who is our fist princess! She is such a girly girl, but yet can play guns and army with her brothers. She loves people and has such spirit about her. She walks with confidence and is so sure of herself!

And Livie our little baby girl. She is our quiet one so far. Much more reserved than the others, but still loves people. Her eyes sparkle all the time. She is such a blessing to us!

And the greatest part of my life is the God I serve! God pours mercy and grace over me continually. When I get to the point where I feel I cant do it on my own, he patiently waits until I realize I can't do anything at all on my own and give all control over to him. He is constantly molding me into the person he created me to be. He showers me in love and transforms my heart more and more. He is mightier than anything I could ever face and nothing is to big for him to overcome.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oh, the things a 6 year old can come up with!

So my brother has been dating this girl Rebecca and Kennedy has taken an extreme liking to her. She always is talking about Becca and the other day I caught her singing a song and as I started listening to the words she was singing "I wanna see Becca, I wanna see Becca."

So today as we drove home from my grandma's, Kennedy was cranky because she hadn't had a nap. So Alex trying to calm her down said "well maybe Becca can come over." Of course that got Kennedy to start squealling and chanting Becca over and over. I told her "no, Becca is not coming over tonight," which then made her cry.

So Alex in all the wisdom that he had obtained in his 6 years of life, decided that Mommy needed to crochet a "Becca" doll for Kennedy. He said "Mom, it would be really cool. You could give her eyes and hair just like Becca and then Kennedy can carry Becca around all day long." Oh that boy makes me smile!!

To Go or Not to Go

Sitting here trying to figure out if I feel up to going to church or not. I hate missing church, it is such a part of our life, that missing it makes my week just seem off. I love seeing all our church family. But I am still feeling like crud(of course I think you always feel worst right when you get up, takes a while in the morning when your sick to see how bad you really are, it seems) and John is working overtime. So that means I would be taking 4 kids to church on my own, which I have done many times, but not sure I am wanting to do it today.

Think I am going to get everyone ready and see if by the end of that if I have any energy. I don't want to miss worship! I love worshipping the King of Kings, especially with a body of believers that I love and care about. Plus Anna Hayford is suppose to be at the church today(Jack Hayford's wife). She grow up in our church and her brother still comes and actually sits in our pew with us. That should be amazing to hear the word that God gives her for our church. Not sure if she is preaching or what, but I am sure she will at least get up and say something. Ok, so I am off to get all the kids ready and see where the day takes up, whether it be to church or to the couch. lol

Saturday, March 5, 2011

You wanna go in the blue water?

Kennedy cracks me up! When she was a baby she HATED baths and swimming!! Everytime it was time for a bath she would scream the minute she hit the water until you dried her off. Baths for her were basically you trying to hold on to her with one arm and with the other wash her real quick.

Then when she was about 8 months old it was bath time and the minute her toes hit the water she raised her little fist to start pitching a fit and then dropped it into the water and make a splash. And suddenly she froze in mid scream, looked down at the water and splashed again and again and again. Since then she has LOVED water. Baths, swimming, even just putting her foot in the dogs' water dish.

So lately everytime there is a water park commercial on, she screams and starts dancing saying "I wanna go, I wanna go." She then proceeds to go to each person in the room asking if they want to go "Mommy, you wanna go in the blue water? Livie, you wanna go in the blue water?" Never would believe she HATED water before she turned 8 months old!

Noise, noise everywhere!!

There are days when I just feel overstimulated with all the noise of my house. Lets face it in a house with 2 very active boys and 2 little princess there is bound to be LOTS of noise here everyday. But today is one of those days where I just cant deal with all the noise very well. I am not feeling the best, my sinus are killing me, brain seems to have checked out for the day, and all I want to do is go to sleep. Pretty sure I have sinus infection. And since it is a Saturday all 4 of the kids are home and playing. Which in the Schimek household involves lots of wrestling and noise. So I am just a little overwhelmed.

Luckily it is now naptime so I am going to relax a bit and enjoy some quiet. Praise God that all 4 kids seem to be in the mood to go to sleep without any problems.