
Saturday, February 2, 2013

I have been going through our house and getting rid of stuff we don't need off and on for months now. In fact I went through the boys room twice in the past 3 months and got rid of TONS of toys and clothes both times. I went through the girls' room, our room, the laundry room TWICE, the shed, and the latest was the kitchen. And even though we have taken probably a good 50 garbage bags and/or boxes to the thrift store, local teens' group, and my friend who we pass boys clothes down too, I still have SOOOO much to get rid of!!

I find it amazing how much stuff we don't need or use is stuffed into our house. I mean how much stuff does a family of 7 REALLY need?! And have become more selective(although not as selective as I probably should be) about what I keep. I am getting over my "so and so gave this to use so we HAVE to keep it" mentality. I want a more organized and decluttered house and keeping everything that people give us just so we don't hurt anyones feelings doesn't help with that.

Heck I even am thinking that for Christmases and birthdays for the kids I should give good ideas of toys or items the kids really could use or play with would be best so we don't just keep replacing the stuff the kids don't play with with more stuff the kids don't play with. I honestly think they have too much stuff to even really know what they have.

During this process I have found that there are people in my house that are not good to help during this process. Alex is great help. He wanted his room less cluttered so it was easier to clean, so he was willing to get rid of pretty much anything. Kennedy is ok, if I don't let her see me taking the stuff out. JJ is horrible though, I got to keep him as far away from whatever I am going through. It doesn't even matter if the stuff is not his, he doesn't want to get rid of anything. John I have found is fine, as long as it is my stuff or the kids' stuff, if it is his stuff, he doesn't want to get rid of anything really. He doesn't like to go through his stuff, he would rather just keep it regardless of what it is.

So even though I have gone through almost every room in my house, it still needs gone through more. Kinda like I am when a team has multiple cycles of cutting players. I want to get rid of soooo much more stuff!!!

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