
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nice surprise!!

We decided to take the kids to the park for some ice cream tonight. I had just enough cash to get us all a baby cone and they had pineapple ice cream, which is sooo yummy! Found it kinda funny that here I was hunting for enough money to treat us all and we get there with just enough, and all the kids are wanting different items and I say "we have just enough to get ice cream and if that isn't good enough then you can do without" John gets up to the window and after I hand over all my cash, he says "man that cotton candy looks good." I told him I didn't have anymore money and he pulls out some cash and buys cotton candy just for him. So I used my cash to get us all a treat when I could have bought me a coffee or something earlier, but he gets a treat just for him. Men!! lol

Anyway while there, John's aunt walked up and told us the fire station was hosting a free dinner of hamburgers and hotdogs, chips, and a pop. So I didn't even have to cook dinner. Wish I would have known they would be handing out coupons for free ice cream at it though. I could have saved my cash. lol

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